Scientific seminar "Public statistics towards challenges of planning and managing the development of functional areas in the aspect of cohesion policy"

Scientific seminar "Public statistics towards the challenges of planning and managing the development of functional areas"
On May 6, 2019, a scientific seminar "Public statistics towards the challenges of planning and managing the development of functional areas in the aspect of cohesion policy" organised by Statistical Office in Opole.
The scientific seminar was organised in response to the information needs of the scientific community and persons interested in the social, economic and environmental development of functional areas.
The main axis of scientific discussion was to define the essence and role of public statistics in programming and managing the development of functional areas. The seminar included two problem sessions: "Statistical information as a condition for creating and monitoring the development of functional areas" and "Public statistics in the face of the challenges of cohesion policy".
Moreover, seminar was an occasion to promote publication published in cooperation with Opole Agglomeration Association entitled "Development of Opole Agglomeration in face of the challenges of cohesion policy in the years 2010-2017", which can support and improve processes related to programming and monitoring the development policy of Opole Agglomeration.
The seminar was honored by the presence of Mr Dominik Rozkrut, PhD, President of Statistics Poland, who summarised the seminar and presented plans of public statistics development.