Scientific seminar - Integrated Development of the Opole Agglomeration in the light of the preliminary results of the National Population and Housing Census 2011

On November 6, 2012, in University of Opole an Open Scientific Seminar titled "Integrated Development of the Opole Agglomeration in the light of preliminary results of the National Population and Housing Census 2011" took place. The organiser of this meeting was the Department of Strategic Studies and Socio-Economic Policy of the Faculty of Economics of University of Opole in cooperation with Statistical Office in Opole.
The seminar was attended by scientists, representatives of public institutions, partners of the Agglomeration and students. During the meeting Director of the Statistical Office in Opole, Anna Koska presented prelimiary results of the census regarding Opolskie Voivodsgip while the Deputy Director of the Office, Janina Kuźmicka presented selected statistics of the area of Opole Agglomeration.
Seminar was accompanied by the promotion of publications issued by Statistical Office in Opole and Statistics Poland.