Seminar on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Central Statistical Office - public statistics-region-development-cooperation

Seminar on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Central Statistical Office
As part of the celebration 100th Central Statistical Office, on June 11, 2018, Statistical Office in Opole organised seminar entitled "Public statistics region-development-cooperation". The main topic of the seminar was the role of statistical information in analysis and assessment of the social and economic situation in programming regional policies.
At the beginning Ms Violetta Porowska, Deputy Voivode of the Opolskie Voivodship, in her speech, emphasised the importance of public statistics in the decision making process at individual levels of management and highly assessed cooperation with the Statistical Office in Opole. The seminar was also honoured by the presence of Mr Dominik Rozkrut, PhD, President of Central Statistical Office, who presented the prospects and plans of development of public statistics.
During the first plenary session, information on demographic, social and economic situation of the voivodship were presented. The speakers in this session were:
- MSc Janina Kuźmicka – Statistical Office in Opole – Demographic situation of the Opolskie Voivodship - current state and perspectives,
- Professor Romuald Jończy habil. PhD – University of Economics in Wrocław – Unregistered depopulation and employment aboard - in the perspective of regional development,
- Kazimierz Szczygielski, habil. PhD, professor of OUT – Opole University of Technology – National and ethnic issues in Polish population censuses,
- Marta Rostropowicz-Miśko, PhD – University of Opole – Demographic and social characteristics of migrants from the Opolskie Voivodship,
- Agata Zagórowska, habil. PhD, professor of UO – University of Opole – Changes in the supply side of labour market in the Opolskie Voivodship,
- Professor Krystian Heffner, habil. PhD – University of Economics in Katowice – The role of regional and local social policy in the development of the region,
- Professor Robert Rauziński, habil. PhD – National Scientific Institute - Silesian Institute – Changes in the education level of the population of Śląsk Opolski in the years 1950-2011.
In the discussion panel, the invited guests commented on the current cooperation with Statistical Office in Opole, as well as presented information needs in the process of monitoring and programming social, economic and spatial development of Opolskie Voivodship. The discussion panel was attended by: Urszula Kardasiewicz – head of the Health Department in the Division Social Politics and Health of the Office of Opolskie Voivodship, Jacek Niesłuchowski – Deputy Director of the Regional and Spatial Policy of the Marshal Office of Opolskie Voivodship, Iwona Mąkolska-Frankowska – Manager of the Division for European Affairs and Development Planning of the Office of City of Opole, Piotr Dancewicz – Director of the Office of Opole Agglomeration Association, Brygida Solga habil. PhD – professor of Opole University of Technology, Kamila Vepřková – Director of the Statistical Office in Olomouc, Arnold Hibnera – Secretary of the Association of Polish Gminas of Euroregion Pradziad (Praděd).
The seminar was attended by around 120 invited guests, including representatives of, i.a. Office of the Opolskie Voivodship, Marshal Office of Opolskie Voivodship, Office of the City of Opole, Voivodship's Labour Office in Opole, Opolskie Division of Social Security Insitution as well as representatives of central government and local government in the voivodship, employees of scientific facilities, institutions engaged in creating regional development as well as directors of statistical offices in Ostrava and Olomouc and directors of statistical offices in Kielce, Katowice, Poznań and Szczecin.
The seminar, organised as a part of 100th anniversary of the Central Statistical Office was a fantastic opportunity to honour long-term employees of the Statistical Office in Opole and representatives of scientific community of Opolskie universities for special achievements in the field of statistics with the badge "For the services to the statistics of the Republic of Poland".