National Scientific Conference - Youth education and labour market

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On May 17 this year, National Scientific Conference "Education of youth and labour market" was held, organised by Statistical Office in Opole, Faculty of Economics of University of Opole and Voivodship's Labour Office in Opole. Conference was was held under the patronage of His Magnificence Rector of University of Opole professor Stanisław Sławomir Nicieja habil. PhD and Polish Academy of Sciences branch in Katowice. The aim of the conference was analysis and evaluation of educational preparation of youth to enter the labour market.
Director of Statistical Office in Opole Janina Kuźmicka presented information on the education of youth and its situation on the labour market in Opolskie Voivodship in the light of results of statistical research. During the conference many issues were raised related to the analysis of factors determining the professional suitability of youth on the labour market and the conditions of their employment, including the adequacy of employment and renumeration of young people as well as the activities of labour offices and other institutions in the use of instruments supporting young people in this field.

