When the pollster contacts us

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When the pollster calls

When the pollster of the Central Statistical Office calls in order to carry out the survey, you can:

  • check if a given survey is being carried out at the time by visiting the website of CSO 'Program of surveys of public statistics’
  • verify the identity of the pollster by calling on the number of a competent statistical office

77 423 10 01 w. 201 - Survey Enquiries Division - Manager: Aleksandra Nowosad

  • make an appointment for another date of survey
  • require a survey by direct contact with the pollster at home.

A pollster visiting a respondent has an ID card and an authorisation to conduct a survey

Who is a statistical pollster

A pollster of public statistics is an employee of the statistical office within the voivodship.

The identity of the pollster/telepollster can be verified by calling the appropriate statistical office on number 77 423 10 01 w. 201 (Aleksandra Nowosad - Manager of Survey Enquiries Division) Each pollster working in the field has their official identity card with a photo and authorisation to carry out the survey specifying the subject, area and duration of the survey.

To selected families/households the letter of the President of the CSO is sent, which precedes the first visit of the pollster. The letter stresses the importance of the survey, includes summary information about the course of the survey, obligations of taking the survey and the guaranteed confidentiality of the collected information

See also:

Pollster's ID card pattern Pattern of the authorisation for the pollster to conduct survey (PL)


Within the research of public statistics the following surveys are conducted:

  • households,
  • retail prices of consumer and nonconsumer goods and services and marketplace prices of major agricultural products,
  • agricultural

Surveys are conducted all over the country. The implementation of research in the various voivodships is coordinated by voivodship statistical offices, and the flats/households selected for surveys are visited by representatives of the voivodship network of pollsters. Surveys are sample survey research carried out in selected for testing households or farms representing the whole group of households in Poland. A collection of selected households is called the sample for testing. Survey of prices is carried out in 209 areas of the country, where the price and the level of their changes for more than 1,700 representatives in selected retail shops, catering facilities and service units located in the area of research are recorded.

Due to the frequency of the research the following are distinguished:

  • permanent research - is carried out in a continuous manner, for example, examination of the budgets of households, the study of the headage of cattle, sheep, and poultry and livestock production, land use, the study of retail prices of consumer goods and services
  • cyclic research - repeated periodically at specified intervals, for example, EU-SILC, SSI-10, EHIS, BSS, modular research
  • one-time research - conducted where appropriate, to collect statistical data on a field, a phenomenon or a process.

See also:

 Program of statistical surveys of public statistics
