2023 |
Opole, 8 December
Meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group
During the Christmas meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group at the headquarters of the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodship. During the meeting the main conclusions and recommendations following the evaluations carried out in the region of 2023 were discussed. One of the hightlights of the event was presentation of the results of Census 2021.
Kraków, 24 October
On October 24, 2023, representatives of Statistical Office in Opole took part in scientific conference entitled "Contemporary socio-economic changes in Poland and in the world" in Kraków.
A lecture titled "Process of population aging - Opolskie Voivodship on the background of other voivodships."
Conference was organised by University of Commission of National Education in Kraków under the honorary patronage of the Director of Statistical Office in Kraków.
Opole, 20 October
European Day of Statistics
On the occasion of European Day of Statistics, an open day of the office was organised. It was a day full of puzzles, curiosities and lectures.
We were visited by youth from post-primary schools in Opole, which participated in lectures on statistical data and solved puzzles in the puzzle room - Mysterious Informatorium. In a nearby square our empolyees handed out small gifts in exchange for solving statistical puzzles. There was a competition titled "Statistics will surprise you" for persons observing the profile of Statistical Office in Opole on Facebook and a competition for Office's employees on the knowledge about statistics.
Reńska Wieś, Tarnów Opolski, Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Gogolin, Głuchołazy, Niemodlin, Brzeg, Turawa, Zawadzkie, Dobrodzień, Rudniki, Zdzieszowice, Ujazd, Wołczyn, Chrząstowice, Kluczbork, September - December
In the second half of the year, employees of the OBR visited gmina authorities and promoted PSMS. During meetings on sessions of councils of gminas from Opolskie Voivodship, selected indicators with information about the system capabilities were presented.
Opole, September - December
Alongside the beggining of the new school year, employees of the Statistical Office in Opole started a project aimed at preschoolers.
Workshops "Statistics for Kiddies" are, above all, creative fun, allowing children a possibility of creative development. During the classes an employee of the Office provides children with knowledge on charts, shapes, describing relations of majority, minority and equality.
Opole, 14 September
6th regional conference as part of public consultations of the updated Strategy of sustaiable development of rural areas, agriculture and fishing 2030
On September 14 2023, a regional meeting, organised by the Voivovode of Opolskie Voivodship, with the participation of the representatives of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in which a representative of OBR attended, was held.
The meeting was a summary of works of the Team for the analysis of chances and threats and potential directions of rural areas development until 2023, whose members were employees of the Statistical Office in Opole. The team was developing a regional diagnosis for purpose of updating the Strategies of Sustainable Development of Rural Agriculture and Fishing 2030.
Opole, August
Summer Statistics Academy
During the summer holidays, Statistical Office in Opole conducted classes for participants of Opole summer camps. Children and their teachers participated in interactive classes, took part in competitions with prizes.
Ostrava, 20 June
Polish-Czech webinar
On June 20, 2023, employees of the Statistical Office in Opole took part in Polish-Czech webinar "Cross-border cooperation between statistical offices". The meeting was organised as part of the project "In contact – cross-border cooperation despite obstacles".
Opole, 15 May
Study visit of Czech statisticians
The Statistical Office in Opole was visited by a six-person group of representatives of Czech Statistical Offices in Ostrava and Olomouc.
A meeting was a continuation of many years of cooperation. Employees of Statistical Office in Opole presented guests with the data of Census 2021 in a cross-section by powiats for Opolskie Voivodship.
The areas of activity of offices, successes but also needs related to national and international public statistics were discussed.
Zdzieszowice, 30 May
Visit of a statistician in school
On May 30, workshops on bases of public statistics were held at the headquarters of the School Complex named after John Paul II in Zdzieszowice for selected classes. Students of technical schools learned about Local Data Bank.
Opole, 27 May
Festival of Science - Opole Scientific Picnic
On May 27, 2023, a Scientific Picnic was held at Copernicus Square in Opole, as part of 19th Opolski Festival Sicence. During the picnic many attractions and statistical curiosities were provided. The wheel of fortune was met with most interest – the game involved drawing questions with particular fields of statistics. Its aim was only to test knowledge about society, economy and environment, but also to acquire new information about the world around us. Many questions concerned the latest National Population and Housing Census and Agricultural Census.
Opole, 21 May
A day with labour market statistics and LFS
Students of University of Opole spent a day in Statistical Office on workshops on labour market statistics. Participants generated data, charts, maps and reports, using the Local Data Bank, STRATEG system, Knowledge Databases, Geostatistics Portal and Public Services Monitoring System.
Opole, 27 April
Meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group
On the day of April 27, an inaugural meeting of the members of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group, during which the most important issues related to tasks carried out within the Opolski Evaluation Unit and Opolski Territorial Observatory and plans for the future.
Opole, 20 April
Competition Strong Opolskie - portrait of Opolskie Voivodship 25 years after local government reform
On April 20, a competition entitled "Strong Opolskie - portait of Opolskie Voivodship 25 years after local government reform" was held.
The event was organised in cooperation with the Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management of University of Opole.
The aim of the competition was to celebrate and promote 25th anniversary of Opolskie Voivodship existence after the local government reform in 1998, as well as popularisation of statistics, in particular in the field of databases and regional research, and to increase public awareness of the importance of official statistical research.
31 students and 22 pupils representing 7 post-primary schools in Opolskie Voivodship.
Opole, 3 April
Meeting of the Opole Subcommittee operating within the Commission for Studies on the Future of Upper Silesia
A meeting of representatives of Opolski Centre for Regional Research, who form the Opole Subcommittee conducting activity within Commission for Studies on the Future of Upper Silesia, operating within the structure of the Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Katowice. The commission's scope covers the Śląskie Voivodship and Opolskie Voivodship. During the meeting, possible directions of regional research on the future of the Opolskie Voivodship were discussed.
24 March
Workshops on the Geostatistics Portal
The Statistical Office hosted youth from 5th Secondary School in Opole. During the workshops students learned about an innovative tool that is Geostastics Portal. Participants generated maps with the statistical data on their own.
Opole, 9 March
Day of Polish Statistics
On the occasion of the Day of Polish Statistics, 9 March, 2023, a webinar titled "National Censuses - source of key information about Poland" for representatives of public administration. During the meeting results of National Population and Housing Census 2021 and Agricultural Census 2020 were presented.
Opole, January
Educational classes for pupils and students
January was marked by meetings with pupils from post-primary schools and students from University of Opole. Results of National Population and Housing Census 2021 were presented. Participants of classes generated data on their own from selected public statistics databases.
2022 |
Opole, 19-21 November
Office Open Days on the occasion of European Day of Statistics
On the occasion of European Day of Statistics and the 60th anniversary of establishment of statistical offices, we organised Open Days of Statistical Office in Opole from 19 to 21 October 2022. On this occasion, a seminar was held for local government officials on the results of Census 2021 and educational classes with students of University of Opole and those from Vocational School Complex nr 4 in Opole named after Bronisław Koraszewski.
Opole, 10 November
Meeting at Young Hearts' Academy
On November 10 a meeting was held at the Opole University of Technology with students of the Young Hearts' Academy. During the meeting the results of National Population and Housing Census 2021 and of Agricultural Census 2020 were presented.
Opole, 10 October
Participation in Autumn Honey Fair
On October 10 during the Autumn Honey and Handcraft Fair at the Opole Village Museum, Statistical Office in Opole organised a promotional point for the results of National Population and Housing Census 2021. The visitors had the opportunity to get to know many interesting materials and publications about the region, as well as take part in census quizzes with prizes.
Opole, 5 October
Educational classes for students
On October 5, 2022, classes were conducted for Economic School Complex in Opole. The functionalities of selected public statistics information databases were presented in the context of the subject of business economics.
Opole, 22 September
Promotion of the Census 2021 results in the centre of Opole
On September 22, a stall was set up in the city centre, where the results of National Population and Housing Census 2021 results were promoted. The visitors had the opportunity to get to know many interesting materials and publications about the region, as well as take part in census quizzes with prizes.
Opole, 21 July
Crossword for employees on the occasion of 60th anniversary of Statistical Office
The year 2022 is an occasion to celebrate 60th anniversary of Statistical Offices in Poland. Employees of the offices were invited to solve the crossword puzzle prepared specifically for the anniversary. Prizes were prepared for persons who managed to guess the password the fastest.
Opole, 2 June
Educational classes for students
On June 2, classes were held for students of 2nd Secondary School in Opole about Gross Domestic Product. During the classes, possibilities of finding information in the field of National Accounts were presented. The youth got to know Central Statistical Office website with publications, Macroeconomic Data Bank, Local Data Bank and STRATEG system.
During classes, 60th anniversary of Statistical Office in Opole was also discussed, and preliminary results of National Population and Housing Census 2021.
Opole, 18 May
Conference Migrations and development of the region
On May 18, 2022, a conference was held in Opole on the topic of migrations and development of the region, as part of the 3rd Demographic Congress entitled Poland in the XXI century – demographic challenges, under the honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda
During the conference, the speakers touched on important elements regarding the demographic situation of Opolskie Voivodship and entire Poland. Ethical aspects of migration and refugees as well as the issues related to the labour and education market in the voivodship. An important issue discussed at the conference was the impact of migration on regional development.
For the first time since the end of National Population and Housing Census, results of Census 2021 on migration were presented. Ms Dorota Szałtys, Director of the Department of Demographic Research, discussed international migrations and Ms Janina Kuźmicka, Director of the Statistical Office in Opole presented a paper on the topic of migrations in Opolskie Voivodship from a statistical perspective.
The plenary sessions ended with a discussion on regional migration policy and current migraiton processes, including refugees from Ukraine.
Opole, 18 May
Educational classes for students
On May 18, 2022, classes were held for students from the 1st Secondary School in Opole on the topic of land usage. Presented were, among others, statistical data obtained from Agricultural Census 2020. Changes that occurred in agriculture on the span of 10 years were met with a great interest. During the classes, a 60th anniversary of Statistical Office in Opole was also discussed.
Opole, 7 May
19th Opole Science Picnic
On May 7, 2022, a Science Picnic was held at Copernicus Square in Opole, as part of the ongoing 19th Opole Science Festival. During the picnic many attractions and statistical curiosities were provided. The wheel of fortune was met with most interest – the game involved drawing questions from specific feilds of statistics. It's aim was not only to test the knowledge on society, economy and environment, but also to acquire new information about the world about us. Many questions concerned the latest National Population and Housing Census and Agricultural Census and institution of Statistical Office in Opole, which celebrates the 60th anniversary this year.
Opole, 9 March
Day of Polish Statistics
On the occasion of the Day of Polish Statistics, on March 9, 2022, workshops were once again conducted for representatives of public administration and secondaru school students. During the classes students had the opportunity to learn about the organisation and tasks of public statistics services, as well as technical solutions that improve data sharing, including: STRATEG monitoring system, BDL and SMUP.
The latest results of National Population and Housing Census were promoted.
Opole, 24 February
Meeting the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group
On February 24, 2022, an online meeting of the members of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group. During the meeting, preliminary results of the study on the attitudes of inhabitants of Opolskie Voivodship towards foreigners were presented, as well as the conclusions and recommendations regarding support for the competetiveness and innovation of SMEs and potential of scientific and research units in Opolskie Voivodship until 2027.
The meeting was an opportunity to provide information on the tasks completed and currently being carried out in the field of monitoring and evaluation system under regional policy.
Opole, 23 February
Ranking of Opolskie Voivodship Gminas
On February 23 this year, a conference titled Ranking of Opolskie Voivodship Gminas 2022 – Awards gala was held, during which results of Gminas Ranking, jointly prepared with Foundation for the Development of Local Democracy in Opole were presented.
During the gala, Janina Kuźmicka – Director of the Statistical Office in Opole as well as employees of Opolski Centre for Regional Research presented the results of prepared Gminas Ranking, as well as Public Services Monitoring System, which provides local government units, entrepreneurs and society with information necessary for the comprehensive assessment of services provided at the local level.
Opole, 15 February
Training for the Opole Agglomeration
On February 15, an online training was held for employees of Opole Agglomeration. During the meeting, the functionalities of Local Data Bank, Knowledge Databases and new version of STRATEG system. The training was also an opportunity to discuss how COVID-19 pandemic affected demographic and economic statistics.
Opole, 11 January
Training for students of the University of Opole
On January 11, there was an online training for students of University of Opole. During the meeting, the procedure for setting up a business was discussed and the REGON register was presented.
2021 |
Głubczyce, 7 July
Outdoor exhibition „Censuses – yesterday and today”
On July 7 this year, the inaugaration of the open-air exhibition "Censuses - yesterday and today" took place. The exhibition was presentd in two of the 14 planned locations in the voivodship, i.e. in Opole on Jan Paweł II square and Głubczyce Town Square. The beginning of the the exhibtion was an opportunity to promote the Natioanl Census 2021 and create moible census points, in which the Office's employees helped the residents of Opole and Głubczyce in self-registration.
Kędzierzyn-Koźle, 13 May
Census Day for Seniors
As part of the Census 2021 promotional campaign, employees of the Statistical Office in Opole organised the "Census Day" on May 13, 201, at the seat of the Polish Association of Retirees, Pensioners and Disabled Persons of the District Board in Kędzierzyn-Koźle. During the meeting Ms. Danuta Michoń from Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys and Mr. Robert Klosa helped retirees and pensioners to fulfill their census obligations.
Opole, 12 May
Census 2021 - help for digitally excluded persons
On May 12, 2021, representatives of the Statistical Office in Opole, Ms. Maria Mołodowicz, Danuta Michoń and Małgorzata Kania from Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys visited HOUSE OF HOPE - Daily Help Centre for Homeless and Poor in Opole, where they provided support for digitally excluded and hopeless persons in completing census application.
Opole, 20 April
Census 2021 – help for people with special needs
As part of helping persons with special needs, Ms. Maria Mołodowicz and Hanna Sterniuk-Mościcka from Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys helped members of the Polish Association of the Blind from Opole and Opolski Powiat.
During the meeting in the INTEGRA Rehabilitation Centre for Persons with Visual Impairment, employees of the Statistical Office in Opole listed over 30 persons, and since there were many more persons willing to use help, they made an appointment for the next visit.
Opole, 18 March
Lecture titled: "Statistical picture of social and economic changes during the COVID-19 pandemic"
In response to the growing interest in the transformations in the economy and social life, Ms. habil. PhD Edyta Szafranek, consultant at the Statistical Office in Opole gave a presentation titled Statistical picture of social and economic changes during the COVID-19 pandemic during the academic seminar organised at the Opole University of Technology on March 18, 2021.
The main addressees of the the seminar were research workers and students of Administration, Economics and Management. The presented issues were extremely interesting for this group of recipients, because based on monitoring the socio-economic situation, it is possible to make strategic and planning decisions, which is the professional domain of graduates of these fields of study. The meeting participants showed interest in the scope of statistical research, thanks to which it is possible to update the state of knowledge about changes taking place in the surrounding reality.
The topic of the presentation also sparked media interest and the conversation on this topic was published on Radio Doxa (Radio Doxa - Auditions - Campus Opole).
Opole, 9 March
Polish Statistics Day
On the occasion of Polish Statistics Day, the Statistical Office in Opole organised a photo competition for employees titled "Opolskie Region through the lens". The aim of the competition was to create a "photo database" of the most interesting places in the Opolskie Region, to select the best photos, publish photos on the covers of publications issued by the Statistical Office in Opole and Central Statistical Office.
2020 |
Opole, 20 October
World Statistics Day
On October 20, 2020 we celebrated the Third World Statistics Day. The aim of celebrating World Statistics Day is to emphasise the role of statistics in the process of deciding on the directions of economic and social development, to popularise statistical knowledge among the society and to strenghten trust in public statistics. On the occasion of World Statistics Day, we carried out following activities:
- information was posted on the website of the Statistical Office in Opole;
- Infographic has been prepared;
- posts have been published on Facebook;
- a game with prizes was organised;
- Newsletter was sent to over 500 recipients.
Opole, 21 September
Conference „New challenges - labour market during the epidemic threat”
On 21 September, Ms. Edyta Szafranek, Deputy Director of the Statistical Office in Opole participated in the conference "New challenges - labour market during the epidemic threat". The Statistical Office was a partner in organising this conference and Ms. Edyta Szafranek took part in the debate as an expert, presenting the situation of the Opolskie Voivodship's economy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Prószków, 1-30 April
Competition for primary schools in the Prószków gmina
As part of the campaing promoting the 2nd Trial Census before the National Census 2021, a competition for primary schools students in the Prószkow gmina was organised.
The competition was intended for students of various age groups:
- for grades I-III titled "Decipher the message"
- for grades IV-VI titled "Smiling statistics"
- for grades VII-VIII titled "Census puzzles"
- and for every student "Census fantasies"
Opole, 9 March
Day of Polish Statistics
On March 9, 2020, on the occasion of Polish Statistics Day, the Open Day of Statistical Office in Opole was organised once again. This year, the Polish Statistics Day celebrations focused on general censuses. There was a presentation on the history of censues and the importance of the collected information for social and economic life and development policy. In addition, information about the 2020 Agricultural Census and National Population and Housing Census 2021 was presented.
2019 |
Kędzierzyn-Koźle, 13 November
24th Kędzierzyn-Koźle Scientific Seminar
On November 13, 2019, Ms. Edyta Szafranek, Deupty Director of Statistical Office in Opole and Ms. Danuta Michoń, chief specialist in Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys participated in 24th Kędzierzyn-Koźle Scientific Seminar titled "Kędzierzyn-Koźle city in the process of transformation - 25 years later" organised by the Kędzierzyn Koźle City Hall, the Koźle Land Society and Museum of Koźle Land in organisation, under the scientific patronage of University of Opole - Institute of Pedagogical Studis. The seminar took place in the newly opened rooms of the Koźle Land Museum.
The topic of the Seminar referred to the first seminar in May 1994, but also to events and phenomena that took place over the last 25 years. One of the speakers was Ms. Edyta Szafranek who delivered a speech "Socio-economic transformations of Kędzierzyn-Koźle during the transformation period, including i.a. analysis of changes in resources and population structure, vital statistics and migrations, changes in the number and structure of economic entities, employees and commuting to work in a retrospect of over 20 years.
Wrocław, 24 November
On October 24, 2019, senior specialist from Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys of Statistical Office in Opole Magdalena Skalik participated in a scientific conference titled "Local government. Society. Economy. Space" organised by the Department of Spatial Management and Local Government Administration of Wrocław University of Economics, the Statistical Office in Wrocław and the Research and Development Centre of Local Government of the Wrocław University of Economics.
The aim of the conference was to present the achievements of the scientific community, the results of research conducted by public statistics, as well as a review of good practices and discussion on social, economic and spatial changes taking place at both regional and local levels.
During the conference Magdalena Skalik presented a paper "Elderly people in Opolskie Voivodship. Monitoring as a condition for the effective implementation of development policy in the region".
European Day of Statistics, 14 October
On October 14 this year a Seminar was held in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Opole entitled "Advantages and limitations of the statistics in scientific research and economic practice". The organiser of the seminar was the Statistical Office in Opole, in cooperation with the Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management of the University of Opole. The Seminar was attended by research and development employees and students of University of Opole.
The following issues were discussed during the Seminar:
- tasks of official statistics the essence of statistical secrecy;
- the history of censuses and their importance for social and economic life;
- scope and availability of official statistics resources;
- principles and methods of calculcating the price index of consumer goods and services;
- business registration procedure and access to the REGON register resources.
In addition, the conditions of participation in the competition for the best master's and doctorla thesis in the field of statistics were presented, with the simultaneous encouraging of students of participate in the competition.
The speakers were employees of the Statistical Office with extensive experience in carrying out tasks related to the issues discussed.
OPOLE, 24 September
Meeting of the Parliament of the Pradziad (Praděd) Euroregion
On September 24 this year Ms. Maria Mołodowicz, head of th Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys of the Statistical Office in Opole, participated in the meeting of the Parliament of the Pradziad Euroregion, which was combined with an international conference summarising the analysis of the social and economic situation of the Pradziad Euroregion.
The Parliament session was opened by Mr. Radosław Roszkowski, chairman of the Association of Polish Gminas of Pradziad Euroregion, then Mr. Milan Raca, representative of the Czech side and Mr. Radosław Roszkowski summarised the completed projects on both sides of the Polish-Czech border. Those who contributed to the development of the Polish-Czech cooperation in the Pradziad Euroregion in 2019 were awarded with "Medals of Honor of the Pradziad Euroregion".
The representative of Statistical Office in Opole delivered a speech on the demographic situation in the Pradziad Euroregion in the years 1998-2017 and promoted the publication published in cooperation with statistical offices in Ostrava and Olomouc entitled Analysis of the social and economic situation of the Pradziad Region.
Opole, 13 September
High School Graduates Salon
On September 13, 2019, the Opole University of Technology organised the High School Graduates Salon - an educational event for high school graduates from Opolskie Voivodship.
Participation in the High School Graduates Salon made it possible to reach a new group of persons interested in educational activities conducted by the Office. The National Population and Housing Census and Agricultural Census were also promoted.
Opole, 5 September
19th Opole Days of Disabled Persons
On September 5, 2019, Statistical Office in opole took part in the 19th Days of Disabled Persons - "Extraordinaries Fair". For a few years this event has been bringing together organisations that work for persons with disabilities and promote the idea of equal opportunities.
Warsaw, 3-5 July
MET2019 scientific conference
On July 3-5, Ms. Danuta Michoń and Ms. Katarzyna Widera from Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys of Statistical Office in Opole participated in the MET2019 scientific conference, dedicated to innovative research approaches and achievements of modern statistical research methodology. During the conference, a paper was presented entitled: "Spatial analysis of the potential of gminas of Opolskie Voivodship in the years 2000–2017".
Opole, 2 June
Science Picnic
On June 2, 2019, a Science Picnic was held at the Copernicus Square in Opole as part of the ongoing 17th Opole Science Festival. The picnic included many attractions and statistical curiosities. The wheel of fortune was the most popular - the game involvded drawing questions from particular fields of statistics. Its aim was not only to test the knowledge about society, economy and environment but also acquiring new information about the world around us. The game engaged every participant regardless of their age, brought a lot of joy but also stimulated them to ask more questions. The participants were delighted with the idea and demanded repetitions. At all times, visitors could also watch the exhibition prepared for the 230th Anniversary of General Censuses in Poland and were informed by ongoing preparations for the upcoming censuses.
Opole, 27 May
Local Government Day
On May 27, 2019, employees of the Opolski Centre for Regional Research conducted training for employees of gmina offices and Opole Agglomeration Association. During the training, which was organised in the form of a workshop, the functionalities of the Local Data Bank and the STRATEG Development System were presented.
Opole, 10 May
Open Day of European Funds
On May 10, the Statistical Office once again took part in the natiowide action "Open Days of European Funds". The classes were organised in a training room modernised as part of the project co-financed by European Funds – Public Statistics Information System – SISP-2.
Opole, 5-6 March
Educational Fair EDU-Opole 2019
On March 5-6, 2019, employees of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys of Statistical Office in Opole once again took part in Educational Fair EDU-Opole. During the fair, the educational offer of the Statistical Office addressed to students, youth from secondary schools, lower secondary and primary schools pupils and teachers was promoted.
Opole, 6,7 and 11 March
Open Days on the occasion of Polish Statistics Day
On March 6, 7 and 11, 2019, on the occasion of Polish Statistics Day, we organised open days at the Statistical Office in Opole.
The following meetings were held on this occasion:
"Me and you in statistics numbers" - educational classes for disabled persons.
"Population censuses over the years" - educational classes for seniors.
"Resources of public statistics" - computer workshops on databases and data banks intended for public administration
"Academy of a Little Statistician" - educational classes for primary schools pupils of grades I-III
2018 |
Opole, 6 September
18th Opolskie Days of Disabled Persons
On September 6, 2018, employees of Statistical Office in Opole participated in the Festival of Extraordinaries, organised on the occasion of 18th Opolskie Days of Disabled Persons. The event was held under the patronage of Marshal of the Opolskie Voivodship and President of the City of Opole.
During the festival, employees of the the Office informed, in the form of fun and games, that public statistics knows no bounds. The wheel of fortune was the most popular. The game consisted of drawing questions from particular fields of statistics. Questions were tailored to the profile of festival participants and everyone received a statistical gift for answers. GUŚ (statistical mascot) also encouraged people to have fun.
Opole, 16 June
On June 16 this year, employees of Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys conducted a promotial campaign of survey research during the Opolagra Agricultural Machinery Exhibition in Kamień Śląski. Information was provided about the dates, methods, thematic scope of research, with particular attention paid to agricultural research carried out in June and Jul this year.
Opole, 13 May
Statistical Picnic
On May 13, 2018 on the grounds of Opole University of Technology, Statistical Office in Opole organised Statistical Picnic on the occasion of 100th anniversary of Central Statistical Office. During the picnic, many attractions were provided, i.a.: plays and games for children and adults, statistical trivia as well as relax with the statisitcs. The wheel of fortune was the most popular – the game involved drawing questions from particular fields of statistics. Questions were suited to the age of participants and everyone taking part received a gift. The youngest participants of the picnic were entertained by GUŚ, who distributed balloons and posed for photos.
It was also possible to solve tasks, quizzes and puzzles related to statistics on prepared computer workstations. During the picnic, the results of competitions were announced: plastic "Statistics is not alien to me" and poetic "Statistics through the eyes of the poet".
The picnic was attended by numerous inhabitants of Opole and employees of the Office with families.
Material prepared by TVP Opole - during the statistical picnic
Łosiów, 12 May
Horticultural Fair "Wiosna Kwiatów"
On May 12, 2018 employees of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys participated in Horticultural Fair "Wiosna Kwiatów", organised by Opolski Centre for Agricultural Advisory in Łosiów. During the fair, employees conducted a promotional campaign of survey research with particular emphasis on agricultural research and encouraged to take part in statistical research. Employees informed participants of the fair about deadlines, methods, thematic scope of research as well as possibility of verifying the identity of statistical viewers.
Opole, 9 March
Open Day in Statistical Office in Opole
On March 9, on the occasion of the Polish Statistics Day, the Open Day of Statistical Office in Opole was once again organised. On this day we also began celebrating 100th anniversary of the creation of Central Statistical Office. On this occasion a presentation titled "Statistics yesterday and today", occasional exhibition on the history of censuses and calendar of the most importants events were prepared. A competition "Statistics through the eyes of a poet" was also announced for a poem regarding statistics for students of secondary schools. During the open day conducted were i.a.: workshops on information resources of public statistics as well as discussion panel for students on the analysis and methods of presenation of statistical data. A plastic competition for children of our Office's employees titled "Statistics is not alien to me" was also announced.
The actions taken were aimed at disseminating information resources of public statistics and popularising statistical knowledge among the society.
Celebration of the Day of Polish Statistics were met with a great interest from individual guests, students and local media, which resulted in numerous interviews.
Opole, 6 March
Educational Fair in Opole
On March 6 this year, employees of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys of Statistical Office in Opole took part in Educational Fair EDU 2018.
During the fair, an educational offer addressed to students of secondary, lower secondary and primary schools was presented. Participation in the fair allowed to reach out to new persons interested in educational activities conducted by the Office.
2017 |
Opole, 15 December
Data Stewards Day
On December 15, 2017, a representative of Statistical Office in Opole, Magdalena Skalik - senior specialist from Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys participated in a seminar organised by PZU on the occasion of Data Stewards Day.
As part of the panel session, she delivered a paper titled Information resources of public statistics, other speakers, in their speeches addressed issues related to data quality, data management in the organisation and presented the area of activity of the Data Steward Team.
Opole, 30 June
7th meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group
On June 30, 2017, the 7th meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group was held at Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodship. On behalf of the Statistical Office in Opole, the meeting was attended by Janina Kuźmicka, director of the Office and employees of Opolski Centre of Regional Surveys.
During the meeting, issues related to the current work of the Evaluation Unit and Opolski Territorial Observatory, of which in i.a.:
- monitoring report of the Opolskie Voivodship Development Strategy until 2020;
- summary of works and presentation of the report on socio-economic and spatial development titled Opolskie Voivodship - state and development trends. Report for the period 2008-2015;
- summary of the implementation of the evaluation study titled Ongoing evaluation of the criteria and project selection system of the RPO WO 2014-2020;
- tasks to be carried out by Evaluation Unit and the Opolski Territorial Observatory.
Opole, 23 June
Scientific conference titled "Information - public or private good? From the excesss to moderation."
On June 23 this year, Janina Kuźmicka, director of Statistical Office in Opole and employees of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys participated in nationwide scientific conference titled Information - public or private good? From the excess to moderation. The conference was organised by the Department of Information Economics of the Faculty of Economics of the Opole University and the Main Library of Opole University of Technology.
The aim of the conference was to promote the idea of creating, disseminating, sharing and using high-quality information in the information environment. The speakers raised issues related to methods and tools enabling selective actions towards public and private information. Durign the conference, chief specialist Ewa Natrońska-Komar delivered a lecture titled Public statistics on information needs, which fit into the thematic formula of the conference.
The conference was attended by academics and librarians interested in the importance of the information, in both public and private fields.
Opole, 18 May
Open Day of European Funds in Statistical Office in Opole
On 18 May, 2017, as part of the celebration of Open Days of European Funds in Statistical Office in Opole, computer workshops were conducted on Local Data Bank, the STRATEG Development Monitoring System and Geostatistics Portal - products resulting from projects co-organised from European Funds. The meeting was attended by over 60 persons - students from University of Opole and individual persons. The workshops were organised in the training room modernised as part of the project co-financed with European Funds - Public Statistics Information System - SISP-2.
W dniu 18 maja 2017 r. w ramach obchodów Dni Otwartych Funduszy Europejskich w Urzędzie Statystycznym w Opolu zostały przeprowadzone warsztaty komputerowe z Banku Danych Lokalnych, Systemu Monitorowania Rozwoju STRATEG i Portalu Geostatystycznego - produktów będących efektem projektów współfinansowanych z Funduszy Europejskich. W spotkaniu uczestniczyło ponad 60 osób - studenci Uniwersytetu Opolskiego oraz osoby indywidualne. Warsztaty zorganizowano w sali szkoleniowej zmodernizowanej w ramach realizacji projektu współfinansowanego z Funduszy Europejskich – System Informacyjny Statystyki Publicznej – SISP-2.
Opole, 16 May
10th Scientific Conference of the 21st Century City - Conceptions and ideas of city development and planning: challenges - projects - opportunities
On May 16, 2017, representatives of Statistical Office in Opole: Monika Bartel, Head of Department of Organisation and Registers and Magdalena Skalik, Senior Specialist from Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys participated in 10th Scientific Conference of the 21st Century City - Conceptions and ideas of city development and planning: challenges - projects - opportunities. The conference was organised by the Department of Economic Geography and Spatial Management of the Faculty of Economics of University of Opole.
During the panel sessions, the socio-economic transformations of cities and urban spaces were discussed. In the panel session Cities and their functional areas as growth poles, Ms. Magdalena Skalik delivered a lecture titled Powiat cities of Opolskie Voivodship as subregional poles of growth.
The conference was accompanied by student workshops, the aim of which was to develop a diagnosis and indicate the directions of spatial and socio-economic development of the city of Opole in the context of challenges specified in the National Urban Policy.
Opole, 9-10 May
Educational Fair EDU-Opole
On May 9-10, 2017, employees of Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys of Statistical Office in Opole once again participated in Educational Fair EDU-Opole. During the fair, Hanna Sterniuk-Mościcka, Krystyna Buczko and Ewa Natrońska-Komar promoted an educational offer of Statistical Office aimed at students, youth from secondary and primary schools as well as teachers. At the same time, interested parties were informed about modern system solutions for providing statistical data. Participation in the fair was a possibility to reach a wide array of teaching staff and students.
Opole, 15 March
6th meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group
On 15th March, 2017, a 6th meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group was held in Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodship. The Group's meeting was attended by employees of Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys: Maria Mołodowicz and Magdalena Skalik.
During the meeting:
- information was presented regarding the implementation of the evaluation titled Current evaluation of the criteria and project selection system of the Opolskie Voivodship RPO 2014-2020,
- participants were informed about the implementation of the updated Evaluation Plan of the Regional Operational System of Opolskie Voivodship for the years 2014-2022,
- main conclusions of the research carried out by Ministry of Developoment titled Impact of cohesion policy on the socio-economic development of Poland and regions in the years 2004-2015 were presented,
- the project Plan of research, analyses and expert opinions for 2017 of Opolski Territorial Observatory was submitted for consultation,
- the project Report on social, economic and spatial development of Opolskie Voivodship, implemented by Opolski Territorial Observatory was presented.
Opole, 9 March
Open Day of Statistical Office in Opole
On the occasion of the Day of Polish Statistics, on March 9, 2017, the Open Day of Statistical Office in Opole was once again organised, during which workshops were carried out for representatives of public administration, students from secondary schools and other interested persons. During the classes participants had the opportunity to learn about the organisation and tasks of the public statistics, principles of business registration and technical solutions that improve the business registration and technical solutions that improve data sharing with i.a. system of monitoring STRATEG, Local Data Bank.
The actions taken were aimed at shaping the future attitudes of potential respondents and building social acceptance for the carried out statistical research and were a possibility to promote statistical knowledge among the society.
The celebration of Polish Statistics Day were met with a great interest from local media, which resulted in numerous interviews.
Opole, 27 February
Meeting of the Opolskie Voivodship Council for Health Needs
On February 27 this year, a meeting of Opolskie Voivodship Council for Health Needs was held in Opolskie Voivodship Office, chaired by Ms. Violetta Porowska, Deputy Voivode of Opolskie Voivodship, during which the priorities were updated for regional health policy adopted by Opolskie Voivodship Voivode for the period from June 30, 2016 to December 31, 2018.
On behalf of the Statistical Office in Opole, Ms. Sylwia Hulbój, senior specialist from Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys took part in the discussion.
2016 |
Opole, 20 October
European Statistics Day
On the occasion of European Statistics Day, workshops were organised in Statistical Office in Opole during which employees of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys presented possibilities offered to users by using modern system solutions that improve the dissemination of the information.
Workshops were attended by representatives of the public administration, academic staff and students from Opole University of Technology.
The event was a good opportunity to disseminate information resources on public statistics through local media - Radio Opole.
Opole, 18 October
5th Meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group
The 5th meeting of Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group was held the Marshal Office of Opolskie Voivodship. On behalf of Statistical Office in Opole, senior specialist Sylwia Hulbój and chief specialist Danuta Michoń from Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys took part in the meeting.
The subject of the meeting were issues related to updating the evaluation Plan of Regional Operating Programme for the years 2014-2022. Mr Waldemar Zadka, director of the Department of Regional and Spatial Politics of Marshal Office of Opolskie Voivodship presented the legal basis for the update, the scope of planned changes and update schedule.
Opole, 17-18 October
Local Government Congress – Opole 2016
The Local Government Congress – Opole 2016 was held on October 17–18, 2016. Local Government Congress is a unique platform, on the country basis, for the exchange of experiences and competences among representatives of the local government in Poland, dedicated to modern technologies and advances business processes to improve the quality of life of the Polish society. The main goal of the Congress is supporting Polish local governments in implementation of the Responsible Development Plan on the way to modern, socially and economically strong Poland. The event gathered representatives of the government and local governments, entrepreneus and academics. Maria Mołodowicz from the Statistical Office in Opole participated in the Congress.
The Local Government Congress was organised by City Hall of Opole, in cooperation withe Ministry of Development as well as Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The main speakers were Vice-President of the Council of Ministers Jarosław Gowin, PhD, Minister of Science and Higher Education as well as Ministers: Anna Zalewska, Minister of the National Education and Marek Gróbarczyk, Minister of Marine Economy and Inland Navigation, as well as Jadwiga Emilewicz, Undersecretary in Ministry of Development.
Opole, 30 June
Opole Salon of High School Graduates Perspektywy 2016
The 10th Salon of High School Graduates was organised at the Opole University of Technology, an educational event for high school graduates from Opole and Opolskie Voivodship. During the Salon, a chief specialist Ewa Natrońska-Komar and senior specialist Sylwia Hulbój presented educational offer addressed both to youth as well as teachers and academic staff. Participation in the Salon of High School Graduates made it possible to reach a new group of interested in educational activities conducted by the Office. The Statistics Olympics was also promoted.
Opole, 22 June
Meeting of the Opolskie Voivodship Council for Health Needs
On June 22 this year, a meeting of members of the Opolskie Voivodship Council for Health Needs was held at the Opolskie Voivodship Office, chaired by Ms. Violetta Porowska, Deputy Voivode of Opolskie Voivodship. Sylwia Hulbój - senior specialist in Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys took part in the meeting on behalf of the Statistical Office.
The aim of the meeting was to establish Priorities for Regional Health Politics for Opolskie Voivodship.
Opole, 17 June
4th Meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group
The 4th meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group was held in the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodship. On behalf of Statistical Office in Opole, senior specialist Sylwia Hulbój, as well as chief specialist Danuta Michón from Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys took part in the meeting. The aim of the meeting was to summarise the recently carried out works of the Evaluation Unit and the Opolski Territorial Observatory. Mrs. Maja Michniewicz and Mrs. Dorota Matuszewska, inspectors in the Research and Evaluation Subdeparments in the Department of the Regional and Spatial Policy of the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodship presented the research results: "Review and evaluation of activities aimed at social and professional inclusion as well as identification of effective and lasting solutions that can be implemented under RPO WO 2014-2020 and "Current evaluation of the criteria and project selection system of the RPO WO 2014-2020". Besides, the head of Research and Evaluation Subdepartment of Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodship, Jagoda Sokołowska discussed the research and analytical activities of the National and Opolski Territorial Observatory. Director of the Department of Regional And Spatial Policy, Waldemar Zadka, summarised analyses by availability of care for children up to 3 years of age and preschool places in Opolskie Voivodship.
As part of the cooperation with observatories operating in the region, Mr. Maciej Filipowicz, the voivodship inspector at the Observatory of Labour Market of Labour Office in Opole reported on the research experience and plans for the future of the Labour Market Observatory, while Mr. Adam Kijak, chief specialist for research and analyses of the Social Policy Observatory in Regional Centre for Social Policy in Opole, presented the functioning of the Social Policy Observatory in the perspective of 2020.
At the end of the meeting, Ms. Nikola Janusek-Krysińska, Sub-inspector in the Research and Evaluation Subdepartment of the Department of Regional and Spatial Politics of Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodship presented the results of a survey diagnosing research needs, knowledge resources and the opinion of the stakeholders of the Opolski Territorial Observatory on its planned activities until 2020.
Opole, 12 June
14th Opole Science Festival
On June 12 this year, chief specialist Ewa Natrońska-Komar, secretary of statistics Hanna Sterniuk-Mościcka and senior specialist Sylwia Hulbój participated in the 14th Opole Science Festival, the aim of which was to popularise and disseminate science among the inhabitants of Opole, the Opole Region and other voivodships. During the scientific picnic, which took part on the grounds of Opole University of Technology, representatives of Opole scientific, cultural and educational facilities presented their achievements. Employees of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys, as part of these activities organised a stand popularising information resources of the public statistics, educational offer of trainings and workshops as well as promoting survey research carried out by the public statistics. The stand was very popular among participants of all ages. For the youngest participants, there were prepared, among others, interactive quizzes and games and for the slightly older, statistical trivia.
Kamień Śląski, 10-11 June
Agricultural Fair Opolagra 2016
The head of Opolskie Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys, Maria Mołodowicz and senior specialist Sylwia Lew, as well as specialists Joanna Biernacka and Beata Dzierżanowska on June 10-11 this year, during the Opolagra 2016 Agricultural Machinery Exhibition in Kamień Sląski, carried out a promotial campaign of survey research, including agricultural research, with particular emphasis paid to surveys carried out in June and July this year.A stand was organised, in which included were, among others, information leaflets about survey research, actions taken as part of statistical education, as well as folders regarding the socio-economic situation of the voivodship. Visitors were informed about the dates, methods, thematic scope of the research as well as the possibility of verifying the identity of statistical interviewers.
Opole, 13 May
Open Days of European Funds
Statistical Office in Opole joined the celeberation of the Open Days of European Funds by organising meetings on May 13, 2016, during which products created as part of the implementation of projects co-financed by the European Union were promoted. About 70 persons participated in the meeting - i.a. students of Economic Technical Secondary School and the Public Primary School.
During the meeting, workshops were organised for technical secondary school students, durign which employees of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys presented the possibilities offered to users by using the Local Data Bank, STRATEG system and Geostatistics Portal - products resulting from projects co-financed by European Funds.
For younger participants, a competition with prizes was held and they were introduced to the rules of games available on the Educational Portal.
The meetings were organised in a training room modernised as part of the project co-financed by European Funds - Public Statistics Information System - SISP-2.
Łosiów, 7 May
Horticultural Fair "Wiosna Kwiatów 2016"
The head of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys Maria Mołodowicz and chief specialist Ewa Natrońska-Komar participated in Horticultural Fair "Wiosna Kwiatów 2016", organised by Opolski Centre for Agricultural Advisory in Łosiów.
During the horticultural fair, employees carried out a promotional campaign of survey research, including agricultural research and encouraged active participation in it. They provided, among others: information on the possibility of verifying the identity of statistical interviewers.
Opole, 12 April
Meeting of the Opolskie Voivodship Council for Health Needs
On April 12 this year, a meeting Opolskie Voivodship Council for Health Needs was held in Opolskie Voivodship Office, chaired by Ms. Violetta Porowska, Deputy Voivode of Opolskie Voivodship. On behalf of Statistical Office in Opole, a senior specialist at Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys, Sylwia Hulbój, took part in the meeting.
The aim of the meeting was to discuss and analyse comments submitted to the document prepared by the Ministry of Health "Map of health needs in the field of hospital treatment for Opolskie Voivodship".
Opole, 10 March
Educational Fair EDU-Opole
On March 2010 this year, employees of Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys of Statistical Office in Opole took part in Educational Fair EDU-Opole.
During the fair, chief specialist Ewa Natrońska-Komar and statistics referendary Hanna Sterniuk-Mościcka promoted the educational offer of the Statistical Office addressed to both secondary school students as well as students lower secondary schools and primary schools. At the same time, they informed interested parties about modern system solutions for providing statistical data.
Participation in the fair was an opportunity to reach a wide group of teaching staff and students as well as to present the publishing houses of the Statistical Office and Staticis Poland.
Opole, 9 March
Open Day
On the occasion of Polish Statistics Day, on March 9 2016, an Open Day was organised in the Statistical Office in Opole, during which, among others, the following were presented:
- information resources of public statistics using new system solutions that improve the provision of information,
- rules of business registration,
- the method of recording retail prices, which are part of the specialisation of Statistical Office in Opole,
- organisation of surveys carried out by public statistics.
At the same time, participants were encouraged to take part in the training-educational activties by our employees and addressed to a wide audience.
The aim of the conducted activities was to shape the future attitudes of potential respondents and build social acceptance of the conducted statistical research.
Through the extensive promotial campaign in the local media, the event was a good opportunity to disseminate information resources of public statistics.
Opole, 29 January
3rd Meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group
The 3rd meeting of Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group was held at the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodship. On behalf of Statistical Office in Opole, Director Janina Kuźmicka, head of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys Maria Mołodowicz and senior specialists: Danuta Michón, Magdalena Skalik, Elwira Kunicka and Sylwia Hulbój took part.
The aim of the meeting was to summarise the project of the Opolski Territorial Observatory regarding monitoring public policies. Director of the Department of Regional and Spatial Policy Waldemar Zadka presented the completed tasks, including: a completed analysis of high-growth enterprises in Opolskie Voivodship by sections and departments, as well as main conclusions from varius internal analyses. On the other hand, the head of Research and Evaluation Subdepartment of Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodship, Jagoda Sokołowska, discussed the Evaluation Plan of the Regional Operational Programme of Opolskie Voivodship for the years 2014-2020 as well as research, analysis and expert opinions plan for 2016 in the field of regional development of Opolskie Voivodship.
As part of the review of statistical studies, Ms. Magdalena Skalik gave a presentation titled "Forecast of resident population in Poland for the years 2015-2020" and Ms. Danuta Michón discussed a topic "Innovative activities of enterprises in the years 2012-2014".
The meeting was attended by members of GSEiM as well as representatives of local government, enteprises, institutions, scientists and experts. The meeting ended with a discussion and providing participants with a survey diagnosing the research needs of stakeholders, the results of which will for appropriate targeting of OOT works.
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2015 |
Opole, 22 October
Opolskie Voivodship Council for Health Needs
The inaugural meeting of the Opolskie Voivodship Council for Health Needs was held at Voivode of Opolskie Voivodship, whose main task will be cooperating with the Voivode with creating a map of health needs and setting priorities for the regional health policy.
During the meeting, the acts of appointment to the Opolskie Voivodship Council for Health needs were handed out and the tasks and organisational issues regarding the functioning of the council were discussed. Sylwia Hulbój, senior specialist at the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys became the representative of the Statistical Office in Opole.
Namysłów, 10 October
Seminar of the Association of Innovative Schools of the Opolskie Region
At the invitation of the Association of Innovative Schools of the Opolskie Region, Director of the Statistical Office in Opole, Janina Kuźmicka, and chief specialist of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys, Ewa Natrońska Komar, took part in a training seminar organised for school principals from Opolskie Voivodship.
During the meeting, the Central Statistical Office Information Portal and its modern solutions in the context of using public statistics resources in teaching children and youth were presented, including: Local Data Bank, STRATEG system and Knowledge Databases. The seminar was also attended by Opolski Education Superintendent and the head of Education Department of the City of Opole.
The presentation was met with great interest from school principals and thus the establishment of cooperation in the field of education of children and youth.
Jarnołtówek, 8-9 October
Meeting of Regional Territorial Observatories and the National Territorial Observatory
At the invitation of the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodship, Director of the Statistical Office in Opole, Janina Kuźmicka, head of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys Maria Mołodowicz and senior specialists at the Centre, Danuta Michoń and Sylwia Hulbój took part in a meeting organised as part of the cooperation of Regional Territorial Observatories and National Territorial Observatory.
The meeting was a forum for discussion on issues related to monitoring and conducting development policies in the context of socio-economic research. In line with the thematic scope of the meeting, employees of the Statistical Office in Opole presented papers titled "News in the Statistical Research programme of Public Statistics for the years 2015 and 2016 as well as plans for 2017" and "Methodological notes in statistical studies".
The meeting was also attended by representatives of, among others: Infrastructure and Development, Regional Territorial Observatories opearting at marshal offices responsible for monitoring the socio-economic situation of the regions and scientists from SGH Warsaw School of Economics and University of Warsaw.
Opole, 25 September
Opole Salon of High School Graduates Perspektywy 2015
The Opole University of Technology hosted the largest educational event in the voivodship, the Salon of High School Graduates.
During the Salon, chief specialist Ewa Natrońska-Komar and statistics referendary Hanna Sterniuk-Mościcka presented the educational offer addressed both to youth, as well as to teachers and academic community. Participation in the Salon of High School Graduates made it possible to reach a new group of people interested in educational activities conducted by the Office.
Opole, 21 September
Geography Conference for geography teachers from schools in Opolskie Voivodship
Chief specialist Ewa Natrońska-Komar and statistics referendary Hanna Sterniuk-Mościcka from the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys participated in the Geographic Conference organised by the Municipal Centre for Teacher Training in Opole.
During the conference, speeches were delivered on information resources of public statistics in the context of teaching geography.
Opole, 8 September
Digital Poland of Equal Opportunities „Latarnicy”
An information meeting was held at the Opolskie Voivodship Office, during which the results of the Digital Poland of Equal Opportunities project and the new digital education project for the inhabitants of Digital Poland 2020, planned for the years 2016-2018 were presented. The meeting was co-organised by: the Voivode of Opolskie Voivodship, the "Cities of the Internet" Association and Statistical Office in Opole.
The meeting was an opportunity to promote modern system soultions offered by public statistics on Information Portal of the Central Statistical office, attended by the Director of the Statistical Office in Opole, Janina Kuźmicka and the employees of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys. Chief specialist Ewa Natrońska-Komar and senior specialist Sylwia Hulbój presented, among others, tools: Referral Information System and Information Standards Repository. The meeting participants were also introducted to the functionality of Local Data Bank, STRATEG database, Geostatistics Portal and Knowledge Databases.
The presented modern system solutions sparked an interest among participants, who numerously expressed their willingness to participate in the meetings devoted to this topic.
Prószków, 15-16 June
International Scientific Conference "Managing regional and local development: determinants of sustainable development in the progammming perspective 2014-2020”
The International Scientific Conference "Managing regional and local development: determinants of sustainable development in the 2014-2022 programming perspective" was held in Opole and Prószków near Opole, in which employees of the Statistical Office in Opole participated, senior specialist in Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys, Elwira Kunicka and the senior specialist in Price Statistics Centre Danuta Michoń.
The organisers of the conference were: Opole University of Technology, Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodship and Silesian Institute in Opole, under the patronage of: His Magnificence Rector prof. habil. PhD engineer Marek Tukiendorf, Marshal of the Opolskie Voivodship, Mr. Andrzej Buła, Comitee of Spatial Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences, The National Crisis Management Plan Task Force of Polish Academy of Sciences for the Intergrated Development Policy of Poland and Europe, the Polish Association of Environmental and Natural Resources Economists and the Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Katowice.
The conference was attended by representatives of Polish universities, universities from Germany, Scotland and Ukraine. The special guests were Ambassador of Morocco Youns Tijani, The President of the Marrakesh Region Ahmed Touizi and Rector of the University of Marrakesh prof. Abdellatif Miraoui.
The presented speeches included i.a.: effective flow of knowledge between scientific and economic centres, models of regional business, determinants of balacing socio-economic development, problems of financing local economies, instruments of supporting creative clusters, functioning of public institutions in an efficient state, modern tools of co-governance on the example of Smart City conception and labour market issues.
Kamień Śląski, 14 June
Agricultural Fair Opolagra 2015
Employees of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys participated in the largest agricultural exhibition in the southern Poland Opolagra 2015, which took place at the airport in Kamień Śląski.
During the exhibition, survey research, including agricultural research, was promoted and active participation in it was encouraged. Granted were, i.a.: information on currently conducted research and the possibility of verifying the identity of statistical interviewers.
Opole, 8 June
Meeting of representatives of gminas of the Opole Agglomeration
At the invitation of the Opole Agglomeration Association, chief specialist Ewa Natrońska-Komar and senior specialist Sylwia Hulbój from the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys took part in the meeting of the Agglomeration's members gminas.
During the meeting the Central Statistica Office Information Portal and its modern solutions improving the process of disseminating statistical information were presented.
Opole, 31 May
13th Opole Science Festival
The head of Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys Maria Mołodowicz and chief specialist Ewa Natrońska-Komar participated in the 13th Opole Science Festival, the aim of which was to popularise and disseminate sicence among the inhabitants of Opole, Opolskie Region and other voivodships.
During the Festival, a stand was organised to popularise information resources of official statistics, the educational offer of trainings and workshops and promoting surveys conducted by public statistics.
Łosiów, 9 May
Targi ogrodnicze „Wiosna Kwiatów”
Kierownik Opolskiego Ośrodka Badań Regionalnych Maria Mołodowicz oraz starszy specjalista w Wydziale Badań Ankietowych Anna Jaworska wzięły udział w targach ogrodniczych „Wiosna Kwiatów”, zorganizowanych przez Opolski Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego w Łosiowie.
Targi ogrodnicze stały się dobrą okazją do przeprowadzenia akcji promocyjnej badań rolniczych oraz informacji wynikowych pozyskanych z tych badań.
Opole, 19 March
University of the Second and Third Age
During a promotional-educational meeting, the director of the Statistical Office in Opole, Janina Kuźmicka and the head of Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys Maria Mołodowicz gave lectures to the students of the University of the Second and Third Age on the demographic and socio-economic situation of the Opolskie Voivodship and the information resources of the public statistics available on the Information Portal of the Central Statistical Office.
Opole, 9 March
Open Day in Statistical Office in Opole
On the occasion of the Polish Statistics Day, the "Open Day of Statistics" was organised in the Statistical Office in Opole. Visitors had the opportunity to familarise themselves with the information resources on public statistics, principles of business registration, surveys and the specialisation of the Office.
Organised groups of lower secondary and secondary youth as well as students were presented with the information scope of statistics and the functionality of new system solutions that improve the use of public statistics information resources, including: Referral Information System, Information Standards Repository, Analysis and Decision Support System SWAID, STRATEG Developoment Monitoring System and Geostatistics Portal.
Participants received promotional materials of the Office, and the group supervisors were provided with the Office's publications. The events were reported by Regional Television – TVP Opole.
Opole, 26 February
7th session of the Opole City Council
The head of Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys, Maria Mołodowicz, took part in the inaugral session of the Opole City Council, during which she presented the study "Statistical Vademecum of the Local Government" and information resources of public statisitcs available on the Central Statistical Office Information Portal to the newly elected councilors.
Opole, 24 February
4th session of the Opolskie Voivodship Sejmik
The director of the Statistical Office in Opole Janina Kuźmicka and the head of the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys, Maria Mołodowicz, took part in the inaugural session of the Opolskie Voivodship Sejmik.
During the meeting, the Director of the Office presnented the newly elected councilors with information on the socio-economic situation of the voivodship based on the study "Statistical Vademecum of Local Government" and modern system solutions that improve the process of disseminating statistical information.
Opole, 23 February
2nd Meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group
The 2nd meeting of the Evaluation and Monitoring Steering Group was held at the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodship, in which, Sylwia Hulbój, senior specialist at the Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys, participated on behalf of the Office.
During the meeting, planned research and analyses related to monitoring the socio-economic situation of the region carried out by Opolski Territorial Observatory were discussed.
Opole, 17 February
Meeting with the Voivode and directors of departments of the Opolskie Voivodship Office in the Statistcal Office in Opole
A meeting was organised at the Statistical Office in Opole, attended by: Voivode Mr Ryszard Wilczyński, Director of the Voivode's Office Szymon Ogłaza, Director of the Department of Citizens' and Foreigners' Affairs Agnieszka Królikowska and the Voivode's Spokesperson Jacek Szopiński.
During the meeting the chief specialist Ewa Natrońska-Komar and senior specialist Sylwia Hulbój from Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys presented modern solutions offered by public statistics. Discussed were i.a. tools: Referral Information System and the Information Standards Repository. The meeting participants were also introduced to the functionality of SWAID Analytical Platform, the STRATEG database and the Geostatistics Portal.
The presented topics were met great approval from participants. Mr. Voivode expressed his appreciation for the modern system solutions offered by statistics and participated in their active promotion.
Opole, 7 February
Geographic Olympics for secondary school students from the Dolnośląskie and Opolskie Voivodships - district stage
At the invitation of the District Committee of the Geography Olympics based in Wrocław, the head of Opolski Centre for Regional Surveys, Maria Mołodowicz, as well as chief specialist Ewa Natrońska-Komar took part in the meeting with teachers of secondary schools from the Dolnośląskie and Opolskie Voivodships.
During the meeting, the organisers received publications of Statistical Office in Opole as prizes for participants of the Olympics and its winners. Modern system solutions improving the process of disseminating statistical information available on the Central Statistical Office Information Portal were also presented.